Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 18- A letter to SAHMs Who Bring Their Sick Kids to Play Dates

I am going to preface this letter by saying I am extremely sleep deprived, and on the verge of delirium, so if this post makes no sense, or comes off extra bitchy, I'm sorry... no wait, I'm not, get over it.

Dear stay at home mom who brings their sick children to play dates,

I used to be a working mom.  When I worked I had no choice but to put little man into day care.  He was sick, a lot.  I expected it.  I get it, when your a working parent, you can not stay home every time your child has a runny nose or sore throat, you have to work, and as long as they don't have a fever or are vomiting, then you really have no choice but to send them in.  If you are a working mom, this letter is not for you.

This week we had a very busy week planned. (see crazy busy week)  It was going to be exhausting for me, but was going to be a whole lot of fun for little man.  Little man and I have pretty much been held hostage in the house since the birth of little lady, who up until recently refused to take a nap anywhere but in her own bed. So now that she will nap out, I planned a week full of fun and friends for my little guy.  Monday night around 1:00 am, little man woke up with what he calls "the boogie nose" and a fever.  Little man and I were up on and off all night because he  just wasn't feeling well.  So I did the responsible thing, and called all of our play dates for the week off.  Even though little man woke up yesterday morning full of energy and wanted to play all day, I still made the call that we needed to stay home.  He still had a fever and "boogie nose" so we needed to stay home to keep other little people from catching his germs.  I thought this was the common courtesy thing to do, then I got to think about it, about all the play dates we have been to in the past week, where there have been visibly sick kids there.  I don't take my kids grocery shopping with me, we don't go to stores often, I wait until my husband gets home and I go alone, so I KNOW little man did not catch this anywhere BUT from a play date.  So this letter is for you, you stay at home moms who refused to give US the common courtesy of keeping your little germ bag-kids in the house where they belong. (I use the term "germ-bag" as an term of endearment, I call my own children germ-bags when they are sick, because little kids are bags of germs.)

When I think back of the play dates we have been on in the past week, I can recall a mom chasing her toddler around a play gym that had that lovely green-yellow snot all over her face.  Really lady, there is NO reason for you to bring that child in public.  She was coughing up a storm, and had snot all over her face, hair and shirt.  YOU are an asshole for bringing your child where there are going to be other children.  Another play date a mom with two little ones who both had a very very awful cough, again accompanied with green snot.  YOU are an asshole.  And my favorite of the week?  We were at a play date where I over heard a mom say that her son had been overly tired lately, she took him to the Dr and are awaiting blood work back, but her and the Dr both suspect that he has mono.  SERIOUSLY!?!?  You suspect that your kid has mono and you bring them to a play date with 15 other little kids??  Your more than an asshole.. your a fucking asshole.

Look, I get it.  I am also a stay at home mom too.  Being stuck in the house for days can seem like weeks.  You start to go crazy, I understand, I am living it right now in our self administered quarantine.  Not only do you have absolutely no respect for the kids you will be exposing your gamut of germs, you're own child should be HOME when they are sick so they can feel better!  Its not about YOU and your need to get out of the house. Your social life CAN wait while your kids recover. If you can't stand to be stuck in the house with your children, then you should go the hell back to work, and put your kids in day-care.

  A very pissed, sleep deprived mom of a "boogie nose" little boy


  1. Oh man I sooo agree with this Richelle! It really pisses me off when SAHM's bring their sick kids to playdates, parties, etc. It's been especially pissing me off while being pregnant, b/c whatever Molly catches, I'm sure to get...which then makes not only her, but myself miserable! I wish more SAHM's had our philosphy of keeping a sick kid home!

    1. I guess they figure their kid got sick from a play date, so might as well share the love. Assholes haha
