Today is only tuesday, and it feels like a thursday. We are only on the second day of one of the busiest weeks that the kids and I have had since becoming a family of 4. In a typical week, we have one, maybe 2 play dates, and the rest of the week we run errands, play games, and try to keep up one the never ending housework. One of the reasons that we keep out outing to a minimum is because having 2 kids in public, alone, kinda scares the shit out of me. They outnumber me, when the little one starts to have a melt down, the big one feeds off her energy and suddenly becomes very needy. If you know us personally, you know that the little one had melt downs quite frequently when in public, because she is just too damn nosy and interested in what everyone else is doing to take a nap while we are out. Since she needs to take a nap every two hours, or we get a baby that doesn't want to sleep at night, we usually opt to just stay in as much as possible.
A friend of mine suggested a sleep sheep and a car seat canopy as a solution to our anti-sleep in public little lady. I didn't think it would help much, I know how interested she is in her surroundings and I really just thought it would piss her off to put a canopy over her. After having many many meltdowns, I finally gave in, when she was about 5 months old, and got her the canopy, and it worked! Our little lady will now sleep in her car seat, with the canopy and sleep sheep. It was like discovering gold.
Excited by our new-found freedom, I quickly planned 4 play dates for this week alone. (I was a little starved for adult interaction) Now, as it is only tuesday, I am asking myself, what the hell was I thinking?? Getting two kids out ready and out of the house on time is a next to impossible task, why did I do this to myself for 4 straight days??? And today, as if I haven't planned enough, I booked us for 2 play dates on thursday, one in the morning, one at night. So 5 play dates, in 4 days. Thats getting the kids ready 10 times to either leave our house, or leaving the location to come home. Thats 10 opportunities for little lady to take a massive dump as soon as I put her in the car seat, and 10 opportunities for little man to refuse to leave. Really, what was I thinking?? And to top it all off, on our "day-off"(Friday) my husband made an appointment for us to all pack up, and go to to Toronto to get little ladies American citizenship paperwork processed. Sigh. If I make it though this week, I am convinced that I am superwoman.
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