Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 54- It will take over your life

Seems as though I have fallen off of the earth again.  It looks like writing every day is not a realistic goal for me.  I am just running out of hours in a day.. and the little bit of time I do have left over, I am exhausted, from head to toe, and can not seem to think of anything of substance.  What is taking all of my energy you ask?  Besides having two kids, a dog, and a house to take care of?  P90X.  I got the brilliant idea to devote an hour + a day to working out a few weeks ago, but I brushed it under the rug, because lets be real here.. I didn't think I  had that kind of time!  A friend of mine was doing the program, so I asked him how he liked it, and he said it is hard, but he was seeing results.  This friend was "built like olive oil" (his words.. not mine!).. so I thought, hey if he can do it, I can do it!  His wife caught wind that I was thinking of it and quickly emailed me and said "DO NOT DO IT!  It will take over your life!"... I thought shit! I don't have time for that.. forget it.. I'm not doing it!  Until a week and a half ago.  I was chatting with a fellow mom (with a KILLER body) that I was thinking of starting p90x.. and she very strongly encouraged me.  She told me it was worth the hour a day, and it was a real life changer.  So when I got home, I mentioned this conversation with my husband, and he quickly jumped on board before I could even finish my sentence.  My in-laws happened to be in town, so he asked them to watch the kids, and we went on our quest to find P90X.  And that was the beginning of the end.

The next day we started the program... and it is kicking our asses.  The first day we got 40 minutes in (to a back and shoulder work out) and my husband (who has been working out his shoulders and back for about 6 months now) called it quits because he was getting dizzy and felt like he was going to throw up.  Awesome.  Me.. with my little chicken wing arms could barely do any of the exercises... it was an hour of push ups and pulls ups.  I collapsed flat on my face multiple times.  We knew that we were in over our heads.. but we just spent $140 on this damn program.. we were too far in to go back.  The first week was brutal.  I found myself literally yelling at the tv "F- YOU Tony Horton!  You're an asshole!"... but the first week came.. and the first week went... and guess what.  We survived it.  I couldn't quite do all of the exercises correctly, I am still learning.. but we are doing it.  The exercises are intense, but I am already seeing/feeling results.  Just sunday night we did the second round of shoulders and back.. I could do all of the exercises.. and my husband did the whole thing without wanting to throw up!  Progress!

If you know anything about the program, you know that it comes with a pretty strict diet.  If I thought that SFT was strict, man was I mistaken!  It is protein, protein, oh.. and more protein... with 1 little tiny serving of carbs a day.  So when I am not working out to 1- 1 1/2 hours a day, I am preparing meals to go along with this damn routine.  (side note.. I have been trying for YEARS to get my husband to eat right.. and he refused... but the program says that he should..and suddenly he is analyzing every little thing that he eats.)  So thinking back to my friends email, when she said "DON'T DO IT!  It will take over your life!" She was absolutely right.  We are eating, breathing and sleeping this damn program... it has taken over, but I am OK with it... This summer I will be able to wear a bathing suit without cover-up shorts... I could even wear a bikini if I wanted.... if it weren't for these damn stretch marks!

Oh.. and if your wondering what the hell we do with the kids while we are working out... little lady jumps in her jumper.. and little man rides his tri-cycle around the basement.. running into us every few minutes so that is a lot of fun.  Between him on his bike.. and the dog chasing him because he has her bone.. its really like an obstacle course... bonus calorie burning!

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