Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 52- The day my world changed

Today my little boy is 3 years old.  Where the hell has time gone?  I could go on and on about what an amazingly wonderful little boy he is.  I could gush about how generous, funny, sweet, fast-to-smile, smart, and caring he is.  I could tell you that he is an absolutely amazing big brother, and always tries to make his little sister happy.  I could tell you how proud I am to be his mom.  But this post isn't going to be a sappy my-kid-is-the-most-amazing-3-year-old-in-the-world post (lets be real... we all already know that ;) ).. but this post is going to be about why his birthday marks the anniversary of the most important day of my life.  The day my world changed.
They say that motherhood starts when a women gets pregnant.  And sure, it does... to a point. I knew the decisions I made no longer only effect me. I knew that for the next 9 months, I was in baby boot camp, and it was my job to read every baby book I could get my hands on. But once my beautiful baby boy was born, I realized that the 9 months leading up the birth of my baby, there way no way I could have prepared myself.  There were no amount of baby books, baby classes, or advice from seasoned mother that could have prepared me for the colossal change that was about to happen.  And it happened immediately.  As soon as he came out and was placed on my chest, the world changed.  There was nothing else in the world that mattered to me at that moment.  The amount of love that I felt for that little screaming, naked, slimy little man was completely overwhelming.  I really had no idea that I could love another person so intensely and so deeply.  My relationship for my husband immediately changed as well.  He was no longer just my husband, but he was the father of our child.  We made a person (just the thought of that still blows my mind).. and we at that moment tied to each other for life, we were now a family.
The day my son was born, I was born also.  I received a new purpose in life, and it was keeping my little man safe.  It was my job to love that little guy with everything that I had.  It was my job to put his needs before mine.  Sure there are sacrifices with motherhood, but they are all sacrifices that are totally worth it.  Do I sometimes miss the Richelle yesterday?  Sure.. admittedly I do sometimes miss the freedom that I once took for granted (ya know.. to take a shower without an audience.. or to pee without someone watching.. the little things haha)... but when I look at that little guy today, I am reminded that his birthday 3-6-09 is the most important day in my life.  It was the day I became a mom.

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