Thursday, August 2, 2012


Ok ok.. I have had just about my fill on this damn chick-fil-a crap.  If you have been living under a rock... the big wig at the chicken place doesn't support gay marriages, he donates to anti-gay foundations.. blah blah blah.  So what we have is the argument of freedom of speech, vs donating to a not so great cause.  I (for the record).. and all for Gay marriages.  I  honestly do not give a shit who gets married.. as long as they are two consensual adults.. I don't care if your both men, both women, a man and a woman.. what ever.. what you do in your home, in your bedroom, and on your legal documents is between you, your partner.. and your believe system. I could go on and on about what a douche bag I think the chick-fil-a guy is.. but I am going to address another issue we have in America.  Obesity.  They say the average American now weighs 180 lbs... and the average woman is a size 12-14. Not OK people.. not OK.  Yes.. the company has shitty-out dated beliefs.. but we shouldn't be eating there anyway.  We shouldn't be eating any fast food, we should take time to value our lives and stop putting poison into our bodies. While I strongly believe that EVERYONE should have the right to get married.. I also believe that we also ALL have the right to be stop eating that shit!!!  I saw that there is a national "chick-fil-a" day.. when is there a national "get your ass of the sofa, out of the fast food line, go home and make a healthy meal for your family day?"  If we don't start taking care of ourselves better, some of us won't live to see the day that gay marriages are legal, so I say we do something about that.. OK?

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