Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Book Club

Weeks sometimes go by that I do not have substantial adult interaction.  I mean I DO have a few friends that I try to get together weekly with the kids.. but lets be honest.. chasing after a VERY busy little lady, and watching little man like a hawk does not make too much room for actual adult conversation.  Our conversations usually go like this:

"So what did you... oh... no... little lady... get that out of your mouth... no... not your nose either..... this weekend?"

"um.. we didn't do too mu.... no.. no hitting.  Just ask him nicely to share his toy, yes, nicely... we didn't do much.  Saturday we went to.... ok, now he is asking you nicely back, please share.... um, we went over to the... oh.. ok... you have to go potty?  Ok Ok lets hurry up!!  Can you watch my little one?"

And this goes on for 2 hours.. leaving both mom exhausted, and never actually finishing a thought... but hey.. at least we are in it together, right?  A good friend of mine and I have started to take weekly walks together, sans kids, and they have been WONDERFUL.  I have known this girl since we moved here, but in the few times that we have walked together, I have learned more about her than I ever had on our play dates.  But still, I know I can not depend on her entirely for ALL of my adult interaction (besides my husband of course... but our conversations usually go a lot like the one above, and by the time the kids are asleep we are both so tired we veg out in a zombie-like state until it is an acceptable time for an adult to go to sleep.  (Up here it stays like out until almost 10:00... so going to bed at 8:30  just doesn't feel like the adult thing to do haha)

So anyway, I enjoy reading.  I am pretty busy with the kids, but sometimes during little ladies nap time, if little man is playing, I can catch a few minutes to breath and get lost in someone else's world.  I usually read after they go to sleep to pass the time until I can go to bed.  I joined a book club up here, and have had to cancel going to the last few meetings because I haven't had time to finish the assigned books.  My next meeting is next Tuesday, and I have barely put a dent in the book.  Last night I got to thinking... how is it that I have NO problem finishing books that I choose for myself, (I finished 50 Shades of Gray within 2 weeks, read the Hunger Games in a week, just finished the new Sookie Stackhouse book in a matter of a few days)... but yet I have had my book club book for over a month and I have barely touched it.... and then it hit me.  I was taken back to high school Honors English and how I NEVER finished a single book for the class.. I didn't want to read books that someone said I HAD to read, I wanted to read my own books.  It was like a little light went off in my head... a sad sad little light that showed just how truly stubborn I am. I shared my revelation with my husband, who laughed at me... I am fairly certain he thinks that being home with the kids for the past year has broken my brain. I then took my book club book upstairs and resolved to read it (and I did... for a chapter.. then it was 10:00 and FINALLY time to go to sleep!)

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