Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 6- The Truths about Richelle

People tell me that I should be a writer.  I have even had a few tell me that I should write a book.  I would love to write a book, but I really have no idea what I would write about.  I think before I even attempt that seemingly impossible task, I have to really know who I am.  I am always writing about my children, their likes and dislikes, so I decided to make a list of things about myself.  Things that are my truths.

Truths about Richelle
~ I suck at strategy games.  As much as I may try, I just dont have the patience.  I have about 20 games of words with friends going, and I am losing most of them.  I dont have time for word placement, I get so excited when I can actually spell a word I dont pay attention to where it is going.
~ Men with long hair skeeve me out.  I don’t know why, but they do. The only excuse for having hair longer then your ears is.... well, there are none.  If you have long, flowing locks and you are a man, I am going to assume you are either a. stuck in the past  b. a serial killer c. rapist.  Why these 3?  I have no idea.. thats just what you are in my head
~also really big muscly men freak me out too.  So if you have long hair AND are big and muscly.. chances are the sight of you makes me want to vomit.  I can’t help it, it just my natural reaction.
~ I do not do well without sleep.  I turn into a different person, a person that may tell you what an asshole you are for no reason other that than you looked at me funny.
~ I am a spaz about my childrens health.  I think most parents are, but if you or your child come to my house sick, without warning, I am going to curse you as soon as you leave.  You are going to go into my “asshole” column.  When Gray was little my FIL came over with a stomach virus, without telling us.  Both Gray and I got it, I still tell my husband what a dick move that was on his part
~ If your kid bullies mine at the park, I WILL yell at your kid, then scream “Where is this child’s mother?!?”  And if you say something to me, I will quickly tell you what a chode you are.  If you give me dirty looks, dont bother.. I will out-dirty look you
~ I do NOT have patience for poor customer service.  I will write your company very strongly worded email asking why their employ such incompetint boobs.  there are enough people on unemployment that there is no excuse for you to suck.

~ Wine makes me happy
~ Vodka makes me happy, until I drink too much of it then I get sad, or mad.
~ I need to be creating to be happy.  Weather its painting, drawing, sculpting or building, I just love to work with my hands
~I love teen lit.  Twilight and The Hunger games are my favorites so far
~ I love the color pink.  I hated it growing up, but as I became an "adult" I found that I loved it.  I would own everything pink if my husband allowed me.

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