Monday, January 23, 2012

day 15- A letter to the NFL

Dear NFL,
  I have some bones to pick with you.  Last night we missed our nightly allowance of Dexter because there were 2 stupid games on.  I "get" that it was the play-offs, but I just don't give a shit.  I have only been to one football game in my life, and I can tell you that it was one of the most boring experiences of my life.  My husband swore to me that if I  just saw a game live, I would love it like him.  Not so lucky.  I found it extreeeeeeemly slow, and ever so boring.  You have a game, that is "1 hour" long, 4 "15 minute" quarters. I call bullshit.  It is 35 seconds of playing followed by 5 minutes of setting shit up.  Then after your 15 minutes of play time is up, (which usually takes an hour) your players need a break.  A majority of the game IS the players standing around, waiting.  WHY the hell do they need a break???  A break from what???  When you watch the game at home, they fill all of the breaks with commercials, which I am assuming that you need enormous amounts of money to grossly over pay your athletes, to do a whole lot of nothing.  When ever I ask my husband why they  get millions of dollars, he says that their careers are short.  SO??  Most peoples careers are long, like 40 years + long, and they don't make millions added up... but that is besides the point.
 After going to my first live game, I decided that football players are not real athletes, when a majority of your job is standing around doing nothing, your not an athlete, your an overpaid tool.  We got home and I told my  husband, I can tolerate 1 game a weekend.  I won't say he CAN'T watch football, I'm just saying that I don't want to waist my ENTIRE day watching grown man, in tights stand around and stare at each other.
 So yesterday was a play off day.  My husband informed me that it was super important and that he needed to watch both games.  He did clean the kitchen spotless on saturday, so I was feeling nice and said OK.  After the first game he then informs me that we may only get to watch one episode of Dexter, as opposed to our normal two. He assured me that the game would be over by 9:30, and then we could get on with our nightly routine.  9:30 came and went, 10, 10:30, when I realized, Dexter was not happening last  night. Assholes.  Your overplayed tool-bags in tights couldn't get their damn job done in the 4 hours that was given to them.  Ya know what would happen to ANYONE else if they couldn't get an hour job done in 4 hours?  Their ass would be fired.  But no, you HAD to go into overtime.  Since there was a timer on, I asked my husband if they see how many points are scored in the 15 minutes, and he told me no, its who ever scores first.  I said, then why have a timer?  He said "Because after 15 minutes they need a break." Why, WHY, WHY?!?

ok. end rant. but seriously NFL, you suck.



  1. Saw you on "People I want to Punch in the Throat." I can always get behind a fellow Dexter fan. Wonder if you've started Breaking Bad?

    1. We have not started Breaking Bad! I will have to look into it. We are cruising through Dexter pretty fast, and once we are done we are going to need something to fill the void! haha
