For those of you that have children, you of course know about the terrible twos. You know that every once in a while your darling, adorable, well behaved child forgets all of the manners and rules of acceptable behavior you have taught them, and will partake in a full-on temper tantrum, and you just can not do anything about it. For those of you that are parents.. you know this all too well... and you also know ALL about the stares that you get from the people that do not have children. You know the stares meant to make you feel like an awful parent because your child did not come with a magic "off switch" that you can just push to turn your screaming tot into a little angel. For those of you that are not parents let me educate you...
When you are out in a public place, and you see a toddler throwing a full on temper tantrum, you turning around to give the poor, exhausted (pregnant) mother the death stare that clearly states "do something about your child" is only going to infuriate said mother, and cause her to only want to allow the child to scream more just because it pisses you off. This is especially true if the said mother is doing everything she can to try to stop the temper tantrum. (now if the mother is on the phone, texting, reading, ignoring the child.. then sure, stare away. If she is ignoring her child, she sure as hell isnt going to notice your death stares.) Bottom line is that no one, including myself, enjoys a screaming child, but in the world of toddlers, sometimes it just happens, and the lasers shooting out of your eyes are not going to stop it.. they just may earn you some very dirty looks back, and possibly some choice words directed at you from the over-exhausted mother of that adorable, daring, screaming 2 year old that is annoying the hell out of you.
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