Monday, January 28, 2013


When we found out we were pregnant with little man, I read all of the baby books, I followed all of the parenting blogs, and I googled, boy did I google.  I felt that I was (fairly) prepared, I mean who really is right?  But I thought I would have the support, encouragement and help from all of the people in my life that I love.  Nothing prepared me for the disappointment I would feel when some people (who should make my kids a top priority) seem to not even notice them as a blip on the radar.  It is heart breaking, and something that I am not quite sure how to deal with I mean how do you force someone to make your kids a priority?  This is not going to be a blog about disappointment in family and friends that should be there, because frankly, they are the ones missing out.  My kids are awesome damn it.. and if they only can get around to seeing them once every other month, then so be it, f-em.  My kids will grow up knowing who makes them a priority, right now they are too young to get it, but soon enough, they will see it, and it will be the people who have their priorities backwards that will miss out. This blog is about the awesome people that put my kids first, every time, and for them I am eternally grateful.
I am grateful to my mom and her new husband.  She runs her own business, owns two homes, and has one under renovation, and still makes the time to call/text me often, and time to see the kids at least every other week.  Her husband isn't their "birth" grandpop, but my kids will never know the difference, he plays, dances, and laughs with the kids until they are completely worn out, and I am so grateful that they have him in their life.  The little people just love going to mi-mom and b-pop's house, and little man is convinced that the new vacation house is his, lol.

I am grateful for my mother and father in law, my mother in law watches the kids once a week so I can get caught up on work, house cleaning, and so that I can keep a grip on my own sanity (seriously some days I'm pretty close to losing it).  Little man tells me that mom mom doesn't say no to him (lol) and little lady adores her poppops silly songs.  When they are there they are truly the center of the universe, and I am so thankful that my kids have that in their life. 

I am grateful for my brother and his beautiful wife-to-be.  Even though they both work full time, are planning their wedding, and buying a house, they make sure they see the kids at least once a week.  The kids get SO excited when I tell them they are coming over.. little man LOOOOVVVVVESSS his aunt Amanda, seriously none of us exist if she is in the room.

I am grateful to my step brothers (and my step brother's girlfriend :) ), again even though they aren't blood related, my kids will never know the difference.  The love and spoil the shit out of my kids :)

I am grateful for my friends, there are so many of them I don't have time to name each of them and why they are awesome, but just know that they are.  When we had little lady, a few friends come up to visit, one even came up to watch little man so that we could go to the hospital to have little lady!  I have friends with and without kids, and both are equally important to me.  I am thankful for the daily texts and emails from them to keep me connected to the outside world where there is more than boogers and diaper blow-outs.  

And finally, I am thankful for my husband.  I could never have imagined what a great father he would be to these kids, but I am beyond grateful for it.  Our family is his top priority, and I have never had to question that.

While I was never prepared for the disappointment that some people would give me, I also could never have anticipated just how thankful and grateful I would be for the people that truly make us a priority. Today, I could choose to be upset, or I could chose to be grateful, I chose gratitude.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Our Vacation

Last week we were on vacation, our first big family vacation as a family of 4.  Sure, we have gone to NJ to see family, but this was a trip to the Outer Banks, NC.  The drive from Canada to NC (yes, I said drive, we are still terrified to fly with the children) is 14 hours, we decided that doing this trip straight through was completely insane, so we decided to head to NJ on Thursday, leave for NC Sunday, stay until Friday, head back to NJ, then on Sunday drive from NJ to Canada.  In total, we were in the car for about 36 hours in 10 days... 36 FREAKIN' hours!  (More on that later)
Before I talk about what 36 hours in the car with two kids under the age of 4 is like.. I want to talk about our brief stay in NJ.  So, my daughter turned one August  9th.  Because we live in Canada, and have no family and limited friends up here, we decided to forgo the birthday party up here and plan TWO while we were in NJ.  Yup, TWO birthday parties on our two day stop in NJ.  Because both my parents and my husband's parents are divorced, it gets tricky planning things when we don't have a house to host events.  So Friday afternoon we planned a small party with my mother in law (which we really just had to show to up to, thank god!) and Saturday I planned to have one at my dad's house.  Now is the time to mention that my husband turned 30 yesterday, so I was feeling pretty guilty that I wasn't going to be able to have anything for him.. a month or so before we came home for vaca, I was having a grumpy day and told him "if you think you are getting a party for your 30th you can forget it, you moved us up here, and now we have to have 2 parties for little lady in 2 days, I just can not plan a 3rd."  He understood, but then the guilt set in.  My husband is pretty frackin' awesome.  I had to do something.  So I then had the  brilliant idea to have a surprise party for him after little ladies birthday party on Friday.  I arranged sitters for the kids, and somehow pulled it off, he had no idea, and our friends are awesome and helped with set up and food.  What I had NOT planned for was that my husband would be up drinking until 4 am with his best friend contemplating the meaning of life and solving all of the worlds problems.  I woke him up the next morning to get him to help me to get everything ready for little ladies party #2, and he was pretty  much useless.  This is how our conversation went:
Me: "D- you have to get up, its 10:30, we need to leave here in an hour to get the kids and set up for the party.  You have an hour to get your shit in gear, spend the hour how you want, but you need to get up and ready in an hour"
15 minutes later he walked into the bathroom and was standing there like a zombie.
Me-"you have 45 minutes.. get in the shower and get ready"
D-"ughhh, why did you wake me up so early?"
Me-"its almost 11, its not my fault you think you are 21 and can stay up drinking until 4, we have to leave here by 11:30, get your ass in gear, I am not kidding."
D-"I think I need to eat"
20 minutes later I come out of the bathroom, ready to go, and he is standing over the sink
Me-"D-I am not joking with you, we NEED to leave in 15 minutes.  You need to make yourself presentable.. we have 25 people coming to my dads and you look like death, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!"
D- "I need to eat, but I can't, I feel sick."
Me- "I am leaving now, I will take care of everything, you have ONE hour to get to my dads, I don't care how you get there, but you need to get there!"
(I called my brother and arranged a ride for him"
So off I went, by myself to pick up the kids, get little lady down for a nap at my dad's house, to go pick up the food and cake for the party, while my husband was clinging to his life and feeling ALL of the effects of staying up until 4 am.  He did show up within the hour time limit I gave him, looking much better courtesy of a wawa breakfast sandwich.
The party went along great, the kids all got along and played nicely.  It wasn't as elegant as some other parties I have been to lately, no huge spread of food, just some sandwiches, I didn't have party bags (seriously everyone just throws that shit away anyway) and when it was time to cut the cake, we didn't put a candle in it because she is one, she can't blow out a damn candle.  We gave little lady a slice of cake, and she wanted nothing to do with it (she must not be mine, little lady HATES cake!  Who hates cake?!?)  But overall, it was a nice party, as nice as it was going to be for planning it from Canada, and also planning another party at the same time!

The day after the party we headed to NC. (again, I will go into more detail about the car rides) We were looking forward to 5 days on the beach... think we got 5 days on the beach?  Not a chance.. it rained pretty much the whole week.  We got one nice sunny day that we could head to the beach.  Overall it was a nice day, we decided to try to get little lady to nap on the beach since we didn't get there until 11, when going to the beach with kids its not just a towel, sunglasses and sun screen as it was in our pre-kids days.  It is tents, and umbrellas, snacks, drinks, toys, changes of clothes.  Thinking back, I think one day was just enough, the kids both loved it, but it is just so much damn work!  The rest of the week we hung out by the pool between rain showers, went shopping, and tried to relax as much as possible with 2 kids.  We even got one night out where my mom offered to watch the kids so we got to go out for dinner, walk up a light house, and take a nice long walk on the beach.

Friday we packed up and headed back to NJ, for a 1 day recoup day from the car ride, just to get back in the car Sunday.

The car rides, OH the car rides.  As I stated earlier, we were in the car for about 36 hours with the kids in a span of 10 days.  36 hours... if you want to know what 36 hours in the car with a teething one year old is like, stab yourself in the ear with a chop stick, now have someone sit behind out and throw things at you.  The first trip to NJ was rough, little lady screamed for most of it.  It wasn't a crying scream, it was a "I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU ARE MAKING ME SIT STILL FOR THIS LONG!" scream.  My husband says that she is going to have a future in horror films, we have NEVER heard a baby scream as loud as her.  The ride was bad, but we knew we had vacation to look forward to, so our spirits weren't too damaged.  Sure we were stressed and had developed a slight tick by the time we got there, but we knew happier times were to come.  The ride from NJ to NC wasn't AS bad.  Little lady wasn't thrilled with the trip, but we were able to keep her a little happier, but again, we knew happier days were coming so we stayed positive... now the rides from NC to NJ, and then NJ to Canada were not so great.  Little lady screamed for most of the rides.  Nothing I could do would make her happy.  I gave her something for the pain of teething, I sat with her in the back seat, I played games, gave her toys, set up a little DVD player, nothing worked... she was PISSED.  The ride to Canada was particularly horrid.  We got stuck at the boarder for over an hour, little lady screamed with anger the ENTIRE time.  At one point I told my husband I wanted out, and if he would have let me out of the car I would have walked home.  My husband and I were beyond grumpy, we were starting to turn on each other.. in that moment it was all his fault.  It was his fault we were stuck at the boarder... if he had not moved us to Canada to begin with, we would never be stuck in the car with the screaming monster.  Yup, it was his fault..

I am not sure that my husband and I will ever fully recover from our 36 hours in the car, I mean I am sure that the ear aches will eventually go away, but the huge scar it has left on our spirit will probably always be there.. it was torture, and I am not sure that we will ever be right again.  I am already dreading our ride home in October, and I can only hope and pray that little lady has her molars completely in and we can have happy ride home.  But until then, little lady has us right where she wants us, scared.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Journey, Won't You Join Me?

In January I started a mission for myself.  Operation "Get Your Ass in Shape, Girl".  I have always been "thin."  Before I had kids I was always in decent shape, though I never really stuck to a work out routine.  After I had my son, people would  tell me "you look great for having a baby!" I kept on about 10 lbs of my pregnancy weight, and was in no rush to get it off.  I knew that we wanted another baby sooner or later, so I figured "why work my ass off now, if its just going to come back in a few months." So I was still "thin" but I was no where near where I could have been.  Two and a half years after my son was born, I had my daughter.  The pregnancy weight came off pretty quick, but I was still far from happy with the way I looked/felt.  I had a million excuses as to why I couldn't take charge of my fitness/health.  "I will work out when the baby starts sleeping though the night."  "I am a size 10, national average is 12, so I am good."  "I look better with 2 kids than a lot of people do with 0".  People would still tell me, "You look great for having two kids!!" Then it hit me.  I didn't want to look great for having two kids, I didn't want to look like I had kids.  I wanted my energy back, I wanted to be able to wear what I wanted without feeling like it was not flattering on my problem areas.  I was not feeling very confident in my mom uniform of yoga pants and t-shirts.. I needed to step up my game, and the only person that could make me do it was ME.

So in January I took the first step.  I joined a weight loss challenge that was accompanied by nutrition classes.  I needed to be held responsible, and a group setting was perfect for me.  I blogged about my mission, (week one, week two, week three, week four) The classes were a really great way to get started, they really helped me to learn what I should be eating vs what I just needed to cut out.

This is a pic of me in the beginning.  Before any classes.  I really wanted to take a "before" pic in a bikini, but I couldn't put one on without feeling totally gross about myself.  In hind-sight I wish that I would have, but I think you can see from this pic that I wasn't in great shape.  Even though I am wearing black leggings, they are not covering up the tree-trunk legs.  I have not told anyone how much I weighed when I started.. but here I go.  In my first weigh in I was whopping 162.  Yikes!  That was an all time high for me (besides the baby making).
January 2012

After 6 weeks of weight loss classes, I was down 10 lbs.  I was still not happy with where I was, I wanted to do more.  So my husband and I started P90X together.  It was HARD.  Here is a pic of me on say one.  I kept up with eating healthy and pushed myself hard.  

March 2012

We finished  the full 90 days of the program and I felt like I was in the best shape of my life.. I felt like I still needed work so I started the Brazil Butt Lift program.. my "problem" area has always been my legs/butt, so I wanted a work out that focused on them.  After P90x my weight hovered at 147 for what seemed like months.  I was getting into better shape, but the numbers weren't moving, so I decided to make another change.  I cut out all processed foods from my diet. (every once in a while I will cheat) but for the most part its fresh fruit and veggies, and home cooked meals, and limited carbs.  When I started this I didn't think twice of having a big bowl of cereal in the morning, a sandwich at lunch, and a huge bowl of pasta for dinner.  After cutting all of the crap, filling myself with nutritional food, I dropped another 6 lbs in a matter of a few weeks.

August 2012

This is a pic I took of myself this morning, I am proud to say I have abs!  Visible abs!!  Last week I bought a new bikini for our beach vacation next week, and I am so happy/proud that I will be able to wear it.  It has taken a lot of hard work (I work out 6-7 times a week).. and a complete change in diet and how I view food, but the pay back has been well worth the sacrifice.  Working out is now my "me" time, a time I look forward to every day, and when I used to look forward to a big bowl of ice cream to cap off the night, I am now just as happy with an apple and a little (all natural, organic, no sugar added) peanut butter.

I think I still have work to do.  But I wanted to share  my story to show you that if I can do it, you can do it.  I have lost 21 lbs in past 8 months.  I have gone from a size 10 to a size 6 (I haven't been a 6 since high school!)  I am not perfect, and I never will be, but I will get to where I want to be, and you can too.  I beg you, stop using your kids as an excuse to be out of shape and to eat crap.  Once you take control of your life and make YOU a priority, you will have so much more energy to share with your kids!  I know as moms we tend to put ourselves on the back burner, but its time to stop!  Its time to put the yoga pants away, and get yourself into that cure pair of jeans that you didn't think you would ever fit into again, I did, and so can you!


Thursday, August 2, 2012


Ok ok.. I have had just about my fill on this damn chick-fil-a crap.  If you have been living under a rock... the big wig at the chicken place doesn't support gay marriages, he donates to anti-gay foundations.. blah blah blah.  So what we have is the argument of freedom of speech, vs donating to a not so great cause.  I (for the record).. and all for Gay marriages.  I  honestly do not give a shit who gets married.. as long as they are two consensual adults.. I don't care if your both men, both women, a man and a woman.. what ever.. what you do in your home, in your bedroom, and on your legal documents is between you, your partner.. and your believe system. I could go on and on about what a douche bag I think the chick-fil-a guy is.. but I am going to address another issue we have in America.  Obesity.  They say the average American now weighs 180 lbs... and the average woman is a size 12-14. Not OK people.. not OK.  Yes.. the company has shitty-out dated beliefs.. but we shouldn't be eating there anyway.  We shouldn't be eating any fast food, we should take time to value our lives and stop putting poison into our bodies. While I strongly believe that EVERYONE should have the right to get married.. I also believe that we also ALL have the right to be stop eating that shit!!!  I saw that there is a national "chick-fil-a" day.. when is there a national "get your ass of the sofa, out of the fast food line, go home and make a healthy meal for your family day?"  If we don't start taking care of ourselves better, some of us won't live to see the day that gay marriages are legal, so I say we do something about that.. OK?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tis' the Season

This past weekend was "Canada Day" up here in the great north.. which is just 3 days away from the 4th of July.  They are basically the same thing.. everyone gets all hopped up on country pride.. tis' the season for BBQ's, cold beer, and fireworks.  In NJ it is illegal to set off personal fireworks, so we would pack in the car, head to a big open field and set out the blanket and wait.  I remember the anticipation of waiting for the fireworks, few things are as magical as watching the bright colors against the night sky.  My kids are too young to head out to fireworks, but it is something that I am looking forward to, I still, as an adult love fireworks, professional fireworks that is...

There is a big difference between professional fireworks and the crappy road-side stand fireworks.  Professional I love... road-side stand, I want to shove up someones ass.  Where we live in Canada the houses are basically built on top of one another.  We  thought we had a small yard in NJ, but after moving up here, I doubt we will complain about our yard once we move home. Noises echo very loudly in our crowded little community, so when one of my ass-hat neighbors decides its a good idea to set off those loud, and shitty fireworks it enrages me to no end.  There are a lot of young families that live in my neighborhood, with a lot of little kids, and every time I hear those crappy fireworks, I say to my husband "I swear if they wake up one of our children, I am going to go out there and shove them up their ass."  If you follow this blog, you know that bed time is sacred in this house, it is our sanctuary, and some days our only link to sanity.  

Somehow we survived this Canada day without sleep disruption, and our neighbors did not get a firework to the ass (barely.. one asshole across the street thought it was a good idea to set off noise makers outside of our daughters window at 11pm Sunday night, but my husband was out the door and ready to hand out ass beatings as soon as they went off, so our scared shit head neighbors ran in the house before they could have their asses handed to them).  Why people think that setting off really lame fireworks is a good celebration of independence day is beyond me. Please leave the fireworks to the professionals, but if you choose to do it yourself just know you are taking a gamble with your life, if you wake up a sleeping child some poor sleep deprived mother just may shove them up you ass.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Niagara Falls

Yesterday we packed up the whole crew and headed to Niagara falls.  We had friends that were on a road trip, and were making a 2 day stop at the falls, so we decided to meet up with them for the day.  We told little man monday night that we were going to go see big waterfalls the next day (we can't tell him things too far in advanced, because if they fall though, we ALL pay for it with wining for DAYS.)  He woke up yesterday so excited.  We told him we would be going on the Maid of the Mist, showed up a bunch of pictures, and a video of what it was going to look like, and he was beside himself.  All morning all he talked about was going to see the "big water" on the "big boat."  We decided to meet up at 1:00, which was perfect because it gave us time to give little lady a nap at home, and then go as soon as she woke up.

We woke up little lady at 11:30, we were on the road by 11:45, we live about 45 minutes away, so we figured giving our selves an hour and 15 minute would be more than enough time.  We didn't hit any traffic, we got there by 12:30, perfect!  We had a plan, and it was going to work! HA!  Annnnd then we parked, which seemed about 10 miles from where we had to be.  So there we are, a big huge stroller, little lady in the front, little man in the back, my husband pushing it, and me carrying the 45 lb diaper bag.  We were in a touristy area, and we had 10 minutes to walk from our car to the maid of the mist port, which was easily a 25 minute walk.  And of course little man had to pee as soon as we got there, so that set us back a good 5 minutes... so now we had 5 minutes to walk a 25 minute route.  I HATE being late, HATE HATE HATE it.. yes.. I KNOW that with kids, being late is par for the course, but I am usually pretty good with being places on time. We were on a mission, get to the dock CLOSE to on time, and it seemed like the hundreds of leisurely tourists were sent  to stop us.  So many times I wanted to yell at someone "YES!  PLEASE stop your ENTIRE family in the middle of the side walk so you can look at your map, PLEASE don't move over so anyone can get around, the 20 of you aren't at all in the way!"... but we got through.  We navigated our way through the crowds and made it 15 minutes late.. my shoulder and back were killing me from lugging the heavy bag, and we were panting from the near sprint we did, but hey.. it was cardio for the day, right?

So there we were, all in one piece, only 15 minutes late, our friends were very patiently waiting for us with their girls, so we took a quick breather, I fed little lady to stop any future meltdowns, and we were on our way.  I brought my moby wrap, thinking I would just pop her in there, and put the little poncho over both of us and all would be well!  Little man was SO excited in the line, kept talking about how he couldn't wait to get on the boat and see the big water, little lady was just happy to be out and was flirting away with anybody that would pay attention to her.  Everything was going perfectly.... until...

Those damn ponchos.  I ripped mine in the front so that little lady could poker her head out with me and so we would both stay dry.  Apparently little lady did not want her hands covered and that sent her into super meltdown mode.  To say she was pissed would be an understatement.  I was bouncing, rocking, shushing, anything I could think of to calm her down, and it just pissed her off more.  I ripped my poncho most of the way down so she could get her hands free, but it was too late, I had already pissed her off and she was going to let everyone around us know that her mom was an asshole.  The passengers around us were all politely looking at me and smiling.  Some of them with sympathy in their eyes, some with the fear of god "please.. please lady don't bring that screaming devil child on the boat.".. I politely smiled back and kinda shrugged as to say "sorry, I paid 20 damn dollars to get on this damn boat, screaming baby and all, THIS is happening!"  As we boarded, and little lady screamed louder and louder, the smiles turned more into looks of desperation, I was really shocked someone didn't try to bribe me to stay off.  But we got on the boat, and surprisingly little lady stopped when we got on.  I took her out of the wrap, the poncho wasn't going to keep either of us dry since it was pretty much torn in half at this point, and she wanted to go with my husband.  The boat started to move, so I asked little man if he wanted me to pick him up so he could see the waterfalls, he said yes, so I picked him up.  He took one good look around, saw the huge waterfalls and felt the mist and SCREAMED "put me down!!!!!!  I'm all done!!!!"  For the next 5 minutes he clung onto a railing and just screamed, a loud, high pitched girly screech,  then asked me to put him in his stroller.  Once in, he stared at the floor, in full shut down mode.  Every time I would ask him to look at the water, he would momentarily, scream, then look back down.  The whole time I am trying to calm him, my poncho, which is really now just a big plastic cape, was constantly catching the wind and wrapping around myself, and anyone around us.  Meanwhile little lady was getting SOAKED because she had to protection from the mist, but she loved it.  She thought it was great!  My husband and I enjoyed the views, but we got off feeling like we just ran a 10 mile marathon, soaked, and just exhausted.

After our draining experience on the boat, we decided on grabbing something to eat at the Rain Forest Cafe, which was BY FAR little man's favorite part of the day.  He really could have cared less if he saw the falls, I doubt he will be asking to go on a boat again any time soon, but for the rest of the night all he talked about were the Elephants in the restaurant, and the big green frog on the bench out front.  After we ate, little man and our friends (ADORABLE) twin girls sat around a big elephant in front of the restaurant laughing and giggling their little behinds off.  Despite our sprint to the dock, and the  meltdowns on the boat, it was a great day with the family, the kids smiling and giggling made it all worth it. :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

This Is What Happens...

I am sure you have seen the video of the school bus monitor being bullied by kids.  Its absolutely heart breaking, terrible, and disturbing to watch.  If you have not seen it here is the link.

At first I did not want to write a post about this.  I thought, "yeah, everyone knows these kids are little shit heads, and feels really bad for the poor bus monitor".. and while YES, that is what the general consensus is, the more I saw other blogs about this video, and read the comments that followed, the more enraged I got.  I think we can ALL agree these kids are shit head.. and we can ALL agree that they are due for a WORLD of repercussions for treating this woman this way (and I will get into that later), but can we just talk for a second about HOW these little fuck-tards got to be this way???

As I was reading though the "comments" of people that posted that video, I was astounded by the amount of people that believe that these kids got this was because "we aren't aloud to beat our children anymore."  As if not beating the ever-loving shit out of your children will surely cause them to be heart-less little fuck ups.  Yes, if we do not instill the fear of our fist into our children, they will FOR SURE turn into these deviant little monsters.  Seriously people?  If you think THAT is what caused these kids to be such little assholes, then either a.) you do not have children yourself or b.) you just suck as a parent.

These kids turned out to be the way they are because their parents fucked up... big time.  It has NOTHING to do with them being beat as a child or not.  My parents NEVER EVER, not even once lifted a hand to neither me, nor my brother. Sure we were disciplined, if we acted out we were grounded, we had things taken away, we had a good talkin' to about how disappointed our parents were in us.. and believe me.. hearing that your parents are "disappointed" in your actions make you feel like you are about 2 inches high, and like absolute shit.  I never once thought, "well, I don't get hit, therefor I can be a total asshole."  My parents taught me to be nice to other people, to have some fucking compassion, and if I stepped out of line, there were repercussions.

These kids are like this because their parents did not teach them compassion or kindness, and they probably have never had a single bit of discipline in their lives.  These parents probably had the motto "kids will be kids" and let the little fuckers get away with anything all the time.  These kids probably rarely heard the word "no".. and their parents more than likely just gave them everything they wanted just so they didn't hear them whine.  These are probably the parents that fight the school every time one of their little cherubs get in trouble at school, and call the school because "HOW DARE that teacher give so much homework!  Don't they know the little angel has a X-Box tournament tonight?"So no, these kids did not turn out this way because they were never hit, they turned out this way because they knew no boundaries, and probably have parents that back them up, no matter what... right or wrong.  They turned out this way because their parents fucked up, big time.

The entire time I was watching this I was thinking "I wish the bus driver would stop the bus and make those little fuckers walk home!".. but from working in schools, I know the parents would cause shit storm and probably sue the school.  I propose that these little assholes get expelled from the school they attend.  When students get expelled from school, it is the schools responsibility to pay to get the students educated, but I propose that we change that and foot the parents with the bill.  If you raise little shit head scum buckets, then YOU get to pay for them to get educated.  I read somewhere that some of the parents were complaining that they had to get body guards for their kids because so many people are outraged and want to beat the ever-loving hell out of them.. to that I say.. TOO FUCKING BAD!  I am not a proponent of violence in any way, but if one of these little fuckers got a good old fashioned ass whoopin', I would look the other way.  If the parents had taught your kid to not be such an fucking asshole, then they would not be in this situation.  I say that the parents make the kids get a damn job and pay for their body guards.  I suggest that these kids NEVER to be aloud to ride school provided transportation again... their parents should have to pay for transportation to and from school, or should have to drive them or walk them to school.. these little assholes obviously can not be trusted to walk themselves, god only knows what they would say to the crossing guards.

Obviously, I know that sometimes parents that do everything right have a kid that gets into the wrong crowd, and shit can go downhill pretty quickly... but I am going to go out on a limb and say THAT is not the case here.  This is a case of parents not doing their job to teach their kids how to be good people.  They have done a wonderful job at raising self-entitled little assholes that have no sense of compassion of basic human decency and who are also who are stupid BEYOND belief.  These little shit heads think they are above everything because obviously mommy and daddy have allowed them to believe so, why else would they harass the hell out of this sweet old lady, and be stupid enough to video tape it, put it on youtube, and think there were no repercussions?    I hold the parents, and their LACK of parenting 100% responsible for this. Assholes.