Saturday, June 23, 2012

This Is What Happens...

I am sure you have seen the video of the school bus monitor being bullied by kids.  Its absolutely heart breaking, terrible, and disturbing to watch.  If you have not seen it here is the link.

At first I did not want to write a post about this.  I thought, "yeah, everyone knows these kids are little shit heads, and feels really bad for the poor bus monitor".. and while YES, that is what the general consensus is, the more I saw other blogs about this video, and read the comments that followed, the more enraged I got.  I think we can ALL agree these kids are shit head.. and we can ALL agree that they are due for a WORLD of repercussions for treating this woman this way (and I will get into that later), but can we just talk for a second about HOW these little fuck-tards got to be this way???

As I was reading though the "comments" of people that posted that video, I was astounded by the amount of people that believe that these kids got this was because "we aren't aloud to beat our children anymore."  As if not beating the ever-loving shit out of your children will surely cause them to be heart-less little fuck ups.  Yes, if we do not instill the fear of our fist into our children, they will FOR SURE turn into these deviant little monsters.  Seriously people?  If you think THAT is what caused these kids to be such little assholes, then either a.) you do not have children yourself or b.) you just suck as a parent.

These kids turned out to be the way they are because their parents fucked up... big time.  It has NOTHING to do with them being beat as a child or not.  My parents NEVER EVER, not even once lifted a hand to neither me, nor my brother. Sure we were disciplined, if we acted out we were grounded, we had things taken away, we had a good talkin' to about how disappointed our parents were in us.. and believe me.. hearing that your parents are "disappointed" in your actions make you feel like you are about 2 inches high, and like absolute shit.  I never once thought, "well, I don't get hit, therefor I can be a total asshole."  My parents taught me to be nice to other people, to have some fucking compassion, and if I stepped out of line, there were repercussions.

These kids are like this because their parents did not teach them compassion or kindness, and they probably have never had a single bit of discipline in their lives.  These parents probably had the motto "kids will be kids" and let the little fuckers get away with anything all the time.  These kids probably rarely heard the word "no".. and their parents more than likely just gave them everything they wanted just so they didn't hear them whine.  These are probably the parents that fight the school every time one of their little cherubs get in trouble at school, and call the school because "HOW DARE that teacher give so much homework!  Don't they know the little angel has a X-Box tournament tonight?"So no, these kids did not turn out this way because they were never hit, they turned out this way because they knew no boundaries, and probably have parents that back them up, no matter what... right or wrong.  They turned out this way because their parents fucked up, big time.

The entire time I was watching this I was thinking "I wish the bus driver would stop the bus and make those little fuckers walk home!".. but from working in schools, I know the parents would cause shit storm and probably sue the school.  I propose that these little assholes get expelled from the school they attend.  When students get expelled from school, it is the schools responsibility to pay to get the students educated, but I propose that we change that and foot the parents with the bill.  If you raise little shit head scum buckets, then YOU get to pay for them to get educated.  I read somewhere that some of the parents were complaining that they had to get body guards for their kids because so many people are outraged and want to beat the ever-loving hell out of them.. to that I say.. TOO FUCKING BAD!  I am not a proponent of violence in any way, but if one of these little fuckers got a good old fashioned ass whoopin', I would look the other way.  If the parents had taught your kid to not be such an fucking asshole, then they would not be in this situation.  I say that the parents make the kids get a damn job and pay for their body guards.  I suggest that these kids NEVER to be aloud to ride school provided transportation again... their parents should have to pay for transportation to and from school, or should have to drive them or walk them to school.. these little assholes obviously can not be trusted to walk themselves, god only knows what they would say to the crossing guards.

Obviously, I know that sometimes parents that do everything right have a kid that gets into the wrong crowd, and shit can go downhill pretty quickly... but I am going to go out on a limb and say THAT is not the case here.  This is a case of parents not doing their job to teach their kids how to be good people.  They have done a wonderful job at raising self-entitled little assholes that have no sense of compassion of basic human decency and who are also who are stupid BEYOND belief.  These little shit heads think they are above everything because obviously mommy and daddy have allowed them to believe so, why else would they harass the hell out of this sweet old lady, and be stupid enough to video tape it, put it on youtube, and think there were no repercussions?    I hold the parents, and their LACK of parenting 100% responsible for this. Assholes.

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