There is a big difference between professional fireworks and the crappy road-side stand fireworks. Professional I love... road-side stand, I want to shove up someones ass. Where we live in Canada the houses are basically built on top of one another. We thought we had a small yard in NJ, but after moving up here, I doubt we will complain about our yard once we move home. Noises echo very loudly in our crowded little community, so when one of my ass-hat neighbors decides its a good idea to set off those loud, and shitty fireworks it enrages me to no end. There are a lot of young families that live in my neighborhood, with a lot of little kids, and every time I hear those crappy fireworks, I say to my husband "I swear if they wake up one of our children, I am going to go out there and shove them up their ass." If you follow this blog, you know that bed time is sacred in this house, it is our sanctuary, and some days our only link to sanity.
Somehow we survived this Canada day without sleep disruption, and our neighbors did not get a firework to the ass (barely.. one asshole across the street thought it was a good idea to set off noise makers outside of our daughters window at 11pm Sunday night, but my husband was out the door and ready to hand out ass beatings as soon as they went off, so our scared shit head neighbors ran in the house before they could have their asses handed to them). Why people think that setting off really lame fireworks is a good celebration of independence day is beyond me. Please leave the fireworks to the professionals, but if you choose to do it yourself just know you are taking a gamble with your life, if you wake up a sleeping child some poor sleep deprived mother just may shove them up you ass.
This is the first 4th that they've been legal in Maine. I work in an ER and I'm more than glad that I'm off for the 4th (and actually till the 21st).