I have never really much understood the point of blogging, always kinda felt it was a narcissistic thing to do. Write down your thoughts.. and people will read them because you will be profound and meaningful. People WILL care about what I have to say. So why did I start this blog? Do I think I am a super talented writer that will attract millions of followers? Will my words inspire the next great thinker? No, of course not, I am fully aware that no one will probably read this. So why am I doing this? Because I am a stay at home mom of a 2 year old, and have another one on the way. Because when I was 20 weeks pregnant my husband moved our whole family to Canada, where we know absolutely no one. (Not that I blame him, it was our decision together, he had a great job opportunity that would allow us to save a lot of money, and also allow me to stay at home with our kids) So why the hell would a 28 yr old stay at home mom start a blog? Because I have shit to say, and sometimes no one to say it to other than our 2 yr old. So here I am, posting my thoughts to the Internet, where who the hell knows what will happen to them. What will I talk about on here? Who knows... maybe the trials and tribulations of being a mom, maybe good music, maybe art, maybe what ever the hell I want. Because after all, this is my narcissistic rant...
To start off.. I would like to address the topic of "what I want to be when I grow up".. its a question that we hear over and over as children. Young children always pick such ambitious career choices, a dr, a lawyer, an astronaut.. What did I want to be? I wanted to join the circus. All it took was one trip to the circus, and for me to realize just how much elephant shit stinks, and I changed my mind that I wanted to be a veterinarian. But after a trip to our family vet, and realizing just how much shit vets have to deal with... I abandoned that idea quickly too. (I am now realizing that as a stay at home mom, I probably deal with more shit now than I would have had to in the circus and being a vet.... If your a parent you KNOW.. baby shit gets EVERYWHERE!.. I could probably write an entire post about baby shit, and all of the surprises that come along with it, but I dont think I want to go there right now, maybe in the future...)
So after years of having NO clue what I wanted to be, I decided on being an art teacher. I decided on high school because I though those kids would want to be art class, and I would be working with the next fine artists of america. My students would all be SO well behaved, they would create work that belonged in a museum.... So that is what I did. Became an art teacher.. for 3 1/2 years.. and needless to say, as soon as my husbands job opportunity came up I very happily gave my notice and have not so much as looked back. So here I am.. at 28.. not knowing what I want to be when I grow up. Sure, I love being a stay at home mom, but I am going to have to be working towards something. I do not want to be one of those women who ONLY identify with being a mom, I need more substance in my life. I guess I will try to use this blog as my brainstorming session, to try to figure out this big question of what I want to be when I grow up...